Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Radio v2.0

Back in April 2005 I gave a plugged BBC Radio1's internet streaming radio service. Well that still rocks - Annie, Fergie, PeteT etc still bring you the some of the finest tracks.

Since then Web 2.0 has really taken off. What is Web 2.0 - who really knows. Hard to define- but there are examples. Del.icio.us, gmail, digg etc. Don't worry about what it all means, just that it's supposed to make a more social and better net experience. Well as long as you got a broadband connection that is :). 512K probably the min you need. Enough waffle get on over to www.pandora.com.

It's run by the people from the Music Genome project. To summarise it's a radio site where you pick a song and it automatically makes a radio station for you with similar music. You can give different songs the thumbs up/down, skip tracks and more. I can't do it justice. Really simple to get started and you don't need to sign up for an account. Music streams at 128kbps so it's decent especially if you're only listening from your laptop. If you're looking for a precreated station check out my Groovalicious radiostation. Full of old skool funk with a balance between the old and the remakes. As I use it more I love it more. It learns what you like and what you don't. After a few hours it's really cranking some good tunes.

Below is a pic of a recent dish that I cooked. After looking at the pic, I realise it doesn't look as appetising as it tastes. Believe me this stuff is tasty. 80% of the recipe comes from a cook book called "one pot". I had to give it some schmu love coz I didn't have all the ingredients. Oh yeah nearly forgot - it's a pork & sausage bake. I put some risotto in there to give it a bit more body. Yummm...now go on over and check out my Groovalicious radiostation.

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