Monday, March 06, 2006


Chicago was the next city to be part of Motorola's SLVR global marketting campaign. The SLVR advertising campaign has been "SLVR City" where they project images of SLVR onto city buildings all around the world.

So last Thursday we get an internal email saying "take a pic of Chicago's SLVR city and you'll have a chance to win a SLVR phone". A group of us decide to go downtown and see what all this hype is about and take a few pics. After enduring the sub-zero temperatures of downtown, we make our way to millenium park to discover that Motorola 'forgot' to tell us employees about a press launch party. To cut a long story short we see that it's an 'invite only affair' but manage to get in after showing that we work for Motorola! What an awesome party. Good DJ, open bar (stella, black label, effen vodka - top stuff!!!) and tasty finger food. Pictures always are worth a thousand words so head on over the my SLVR city flickr set.


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