Saturday, April 15, 2006

Forty five

45 is the number of hours that I have spent in the air in the last week. That's purely airtime, not including transit times and getting to the airport. I've flown American, United, JAL and JetStarAsia. My conclusion is that when flying, it definitely is the end and not the journey that I look forward to.

American airlines you suck. If you weren't my company's preferred airline I would not choose to fly you. The last two flights I have spent running through LAX and Narita to make your connecting flights. Leaving Chicago for Narita you managed to have another 'technical' issue - this time with luggage - and were late into Narita. Touching down at 5:00 and trying to connect to a 5:30 flight is interesting. I was rush by bus to the other terminal and ran the length of the terminal (approx 1km) to make my flight. The only thing amusing was that the flight stewardess ran faster than me in heels (I didn't have heels on).

United you need to improve your food.

JetStarAsia you suprised me with how many seats and lack of leg room you can get away with. Well for $50 flights I can put up with this.

JAL your services uphold the hospitality and quality that the Japanese are reknowned for. Kudos to you.

Well gotta scram..time to board my final leg of my holiday back to Chicago. Back in 13hrs :)


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