Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Lost a super power - story of a fallen super hero

I used to have a super power that allowed me to wake up at the right bus/train stop. If I ever had a superhero name it would be sleepman (say it like Duffman)

On the way back home yesterday I fell asleep on the train (as usual) only to wake up at the end of the line in downtown - not so bad given that it's only 1 stop further than the one that I should have got off at. However this morning I fell asleep on the outbound train - fortunately I woke up 1 stop later in a familiar city. But the outbound train goes all the way to harvard! That's pretty much Wisconsin...not good

Sleepman says must stay awake...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wisonsin...my uncle's from there.

10:16 PM


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