Sunday, May 01, 2005

Fusion or Bastardisation?

Recently I've been watching a lot of the Japanese series "Iron Chef" (thanks Brian for meticulously downloading all of them). It's a great show and you should try and watch the Japanese version and not the newer American one. They get to use the most expensive and sort after ingredients - birds nest, shark fin, foie gras etc. They do some great fusion cooking, especially when the feature ingredient is not normally in their cusine realm. So this gets me thinking about what I made for dinner...

So below is a pic of Saturday night's dinner. Basically it's stir fried beef w/ Veg (Zucchini, capsicum and onion). I'm eating it with avacado on wholemeal tortillas. The beef has been marinated with soy and oyster sauce. So basically I've fused together asian flavours and served it up mexican style - fusion or bastardisation - that is the question :)


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