Sunday, December 10, 2006

You know it's Christmas...

When the Victoria's Secret fashion show comes around. My oh my is that a spectacle. The whole event is just the shebang. What I wouldn't give to be at the post-event party. If you missed it the torrent sites have the full video from CBS or just head on over to Victoria's Secret for some video clippings.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Not quite scuba but more than snorkelling. That's what snuba's all about. Great fun without the hassles of scuba certification. Basically you have a standard regulator but your air tank resides on the surface in a raft. A hose runs from your regulator all the way up to the tank on the surface.


Sunday, December 03, 2006


Finally some photos to update my Flickr page with. Over the thanksgiving holiday SY & I escaped the Chicago winter and spent 5 days in Aruba.

Until that vacation, the most I knew of Aruba was that it's one of the islands mentioned in the Beach boy's song Cocomo. What a classic song. Anyhow, Aruba's a small island in the caribbean. It only measures 19miles wide.

Our trip consisted of relaxing on the beach, snorkelling, gambling and eating. Very stress free. Everything seemed to run on island time - no hurry, no rushing .. it was a pleasant change from the hustle and bustle of Chicago life.

Unfortnately we're back now and we just had a 1ft dump of snow. The highs of the day are 0degC.
